March 1, 2007

AAAAI: Itchy Mouth May Be Tied To Produce, Ragweed

Does your mouth or throat become itchy after eating fresh fruits or vegetables during this time of the year? For the 36 million people suffering from ragweed allergies, it is important to know about pollen-food syndrome, also known as oral allergy syndrome (OAS), caused by allergens such as ragweed, according to the American Academy of Allergy, Asthma & Immunology (AAAAI).

Each year, ragweed begins to bloom around August 15. "The pollen released from ragweed is the airborne allergen most responsible for the onslaught of allergy symptoms at this time of year," said Suzanne S. Teuber, MD, FAAAAI, chair of the AAAAI's Adverse Reactions to Foods Committee. "In addition to sneezing and itchy, watery eyes, and symptoms of OAS, ragweed allergies can take a heavy toll on the allergy sufferer's quality of life."

Oral allergy syndrome results from a cross-reactivity reaction between allergy antibodies directed towards pollen proteins with similar proteins that are found in other parts of plants. Itchiness of the mouth and throat with mild angiodema (swelling) immediately after eating fresh fruits or vegetables are common symptoms of OAS. Individuals with ragweed allergies might experience these symptoms when consuming foods such as:

-- Banana

-- Cucumber

-- Melon

-- Zucchini

-- Sunflower seeds

-- Chamomile tea

-- Echinacea

Oral allergy syndrome is also common in people with birch tree pollen allergies. Foods that can trigger a reaction in people with this allergy are:

-- Peach

-- Apple

-- Pear

-- Cherry

-- Carrot

-- Hazelnut

-- Kiwi

-- Almonds

Generally, cooking the food will eliminate a reaction, but not always. Sometimes, it is possible for the OAS to induce severe throat swelling or even a systemic reaction in a person who is highly allergic or is allergic to the stable proteins in the food.

When to see an allergy/asthma specialist

The AAAAI's How the Allergist/Immunologist Can Help: Consultation and Referral Guidelines Citing the Evidence provides information to assist patients and health care professionals in determining when a patient may need consultation or ongoing specialty care by the allergist/immunologist. Patients should see an allergist/immunologist if they:

-- Have prolonged or severe symptoms of rhinitis.

-- Have symptoms interfering with quality of life and/or ability to function.

-- Have experienced allergic symptoms (urticaria, angiodema, itch, - wheezing, gastrointestinal responses) in association with food exposure.

-- Have limited their diet based upon perceived adverse reactions to foods or additives.

-- Experience an itchy mouth from raw fruits and vegetables.

-- Have found medications to be ineffective or have had adverse reactions to medications.

-- Are a child with allergic rhinitis, because immunotherapy may potentially prevent the development of asthma.

To find an allergist/immunologist in your area or to learn more about allergies and asthma, call the AAAAI's Physician Referral and Information Line at (800) 822-2762 or visit the AAAAI Web site at

The AAAAI is the largest professional medical specialty organization in the United States representing allergists, asthma specialists, clinical immunologists, allied health professionals and others with a special interest in the research and treatment of allergic disease. Established in 1943, the AAAAI has more than 6,000 members in the United States, Canada and 60 other countries. The AAAAI serves as an advocate to the public by providing educational information through its Web site at

American Academy of Allergy, Asthma and Immunology

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