March 2, 2007

Do You Have Concerns About Asthma Treatments?

Asthma UK is seeking help from people with asthma in identifying the most common concerns they have about their treatments, in order to help prioritise research.

This work is a partnership between Asthma UK, the British Thoracic Society and the James Lind Alliance. The aim is for people with asthma and clinicians to agree priority areas of research about asthma treatments.

In order to build a better understanding of the most common concerns, we are asking people with asthma and parents/carers of children with asthma to fill in a short survey about their unanswered questions.

Your questions

Do you have a question about an asthma treatment you have experienced for which you have not been able to find an answer? Do you have concerns about the effects of a treatment, that you would like a doctor or asthma researcher to explore? Are there areas of research you feel a scientist should look into? Are there alternative or better ways of treating asthma you would like us to consider? Tell us in the survey.

'It is important for people with asthma to tell us about their concerns, questions or uncertainties', said Jenny Versnel, Asthma UK's Assistant Director, Research. 'Their ideas will help us to identify and prioritise important questions about the effects of treatments, and help future asthma research to address them.'

Fill in the survey

To participate in the short survey, please follow the links below. This survey runs until 27 March 2006. Your responses will be anonymous and any information you provide will help us to build a general understanding of the questions about asthma treatments we have yet to find answers for. We will therefore not be able to respond to your questions, but if you have a particular concern about your asthma please contact your GP or the Asthma UK Adviceline. You will be able to keep updated with the progress of this project later in the year.

-- Fill in the survey for adults with asthma

-- Fill in the survey for parents of children with asthma

-- British Thoracic Society -- James Lind Alliance

Call the Asthma UK Adviceline for advice and information about asthma treatments - 08457 01 02 03, 9am-5pm, Monday-Friday. Email your query online now.

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